Journey to the Center of the Silence
Journey to the Center of the Silence album cover

Journey to the Center of the Silence

Welcome! Have a seat, fasten your g̶̫̘͛̏͂l̷̪̊͝ḯ̶̜̹̣̲͛͑t̸̢̘̟̮̹̉̄́ć̵̼̿̈́͋͝ḫ̸̳͕́͐̉͜ͅ and get ready for a journey aboard the intergalactic transphantomatic aetheroplane, destination: known unknown. Please, no drinks.

One of the most fun things for me is to improvise a combination of music and story, to take the audience on a journey. Such a journey can be very deep and meaningful, and sometimes pointless and stupid. This dichotomy is not for me to illuminate, but for you, the listener.

I leave you in the hands of the Pilot. I hope you enjoy the journey!

This song was performed in one take on iPad and piano controller, with Samplr, Retro Piano, DrumComputer, and a few other apps and gadgets. More about that can be found in the secret webpage I attached as exclusive bonus content to this release.